Category: Other

Big Migration Ahead!

When I first started this business I was looking for a simple solution how to add...

A few words about indie app business

A while ago, someone asked me for advice about starting an indie app business. So I’d...

Invoice Rex Beta Testing

Yes, it took a long time since I’ve originally announced the development of Invoice Rex and...

Sneak Peek at Invoice Rex

It’s been a few years since I’ve introduced any major app upgrade and it’s getting close...

Why not to buy Western Digital products

I’ve always though of Western Digital products as quality products, but lately, I’ve been getting more...

🕊 Let There Be Peace

I’ve long thought about whether to bring this topic here or just let it go. But...

‘Tis the Season of Giving…

‘Tis the season of giving and we’ve decided to give back. We are going to give...

RTMP Streaming Removal

A few weeks ago, in release notes for Downie v4.1.16, I’ve announced the end of support...