‘Tis the Season of Giving…

‘Tis the season of giving and we’ve decided to give back. We are going to give 5% of the earnings* between Dec 16 and Dec 31, 2021 to charity!

😱 What charity? Eden Reforestation Projects – https://edenprojects.org/

🤯 Why them? I’ve donated previously and they help both people by creating jobs as well as help the planet. That’s a double-win in my opinion.

🤔 How do I know that you will not just run off with the money? Well, that’s the part where I give the money from my earnings, you don’t pay any extra.

🧐 When exactly are you going to make the donation? It will be made within the first half of January, 2022.

* – due to inability to track date and time of App Store purchases, only purchases via Paddle (i.e. on our website or directly via the app) will count.

EDIT: Jan 20, 2022 – donation has been made! Yay! 10,000 trees will be planted!

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