Author: Charlie Monroe

Invoice Rex has been released!

There’s not much to be said, really 🙂 Finally, after a year of beta testing, Invoice...

A few words about indie app business

A while ago, someone asked me for advice about starting an indie app business. So I’d...

Invoice Rex Beta Testing

Yes, it took a long time since I’ve originally announced the development of Invoice Rex and...

An Apology

A day or two ago one user has come up showing a dialog that Downie threatened...

Sneak Peek at Invoice Rex

It’s been a few years since I’ve introduced any major app upgrade and it’s getting close...

Pre-release macOS/iOS/iPadOS Compatibility

Did you watch the WWDC keynote? Exciting, right? New features, great improvements… Who wouldn’t want to...

Sunsetting support for older macOS versions

I know that this is a slightly controversial topic – how many macOS versions back should...

Why not to buy Western Digital products

I’ve always though of Western Digital products as quality products, but lately, I’ve been getting more...

🕊 Let There Be Peace

I’ve long thought about whether to bring this topic here or just let it go. But...
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