Big Migration Ahead!

When I first started this business I was looking for a simple solution how to add license code management into my app along with a payment gateway integration. And Paddle was the answer as it provided both in a simple drag & drop solution – just add their SDK into your app, add a few lines of code and boom. It’s working. At least it was.

Given my growing dissatisfaction with Paddle and their services, I’ve decided to leave them, which will need to be done in several steps, the first one being migrating to a new (my own) activation server.

This is not as simple as you may think as there’s a lot of license codes out there that are being used and you can’t just change a URL of the activation server, you need to rework everything.

In the recent weeks, I have written my own activation server from the ground up and written a migration workflow for the license codes. If everything goes well, you shouldn’t even notice this happening. If it doesn’t go well, … it shouldn’t be that hard to fix. I’ve done everything in my power to make this transition as smooth as possible.

There should be just one occasion that will need your interaction – and that is in case you’ve activated the license code using a different email address than what you’ve used for purchasing. In such case you will need to either re-activate using the correct email address or request email address change.

So what is the big advantage of having a custom activation server? There’s several:

– reinstalling the app on the same computer will not take up several activation slots, it will count as one.

– it allows for better license code recovery (this has actually been deployed as a test a few weeks ago)

– it will eventually allow for resetting the license code on your own without the need to contact support

Nevertheless – as this is a really really big change, I would like to reach out and offer you betas for the brave users out there willing to try this. The beta testing period will not be long as I plan to release this change by the end of this week or early next week.



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